
What’s next in 2021?

2020 has been the most surreal year I have experienced in my whole life. I, like many others, experienced dramatic changes to life as we knew it. And while there have been many blessings that have come in this year, the challenges are undeniable.

Every year in December I like to evaluate my business and life.  Where have I been, where I am and where I am going?  It is a process that I absolutely love because it allows me to recount my challenges, learnings, and successes.  This year, more than ever, this practice is necessary.

Without understanding where you have been, it is difficult to understand why you are where you are now and how you can get where you want to go.  Or as Tony Horton says in P90X, “If you don’t know what you did, how can you know what to do”.  The power of this perspective goes beyond it’s simplicity.  It is truly about modifying your beliefs, mindset, and behavior. It’s about setting yourself up for success at your very core, regardless of what ever life throws at you.

Where have you been?

Have you ever done a mindless task to get to the end of it and feel no amount of gratification or fulfillment?  You know, something like go through your email or attend a weekly meeting (where nothing was accomplished) or even just drive into work?  You went through the motions and maybe even paid attention for a moment or two but ultimately was on autopilot.

Now compare that to accomplishing something big and grueling like completing your taxes or creating a big program or putting together a conference where by the end of it you not only were somewhat exhausted but you felt absolutely accomplished! Isn’t that what we all strive for?  To have a sense of accomplishment?  To feel like what we did mattered, made a difference, reached a goal?!

Well the truth of it is that it doesn’t matter if we are on autopilot or working through a big challenging or exciting process, what we do does matter.  What we do either moves us toward our goal or leaves us stagnate or even worse moves us away from our goal.

Where are you now?

So where are you now?  After looking at your past efforts where are you at and why?  What are the circumstances that drove changes to your beliefs, thinking and mindset? How did that action that you took months ago ultimately contribute to where you are now?

These questions can help you identify where how you got here and what shifts need to happen to move toward a desired future state.

Where are you going?

As you look forward to 2021, consider the following questions. Each of the questions provide information for you to create a vision of next year that is the foundation for detailed planning and specific goal setting.

Please email me at Kim@KimLMiles.com with questions about the process. If you are ready to work with me as your coach to tackle the external situations and your internal mindset challenges, schedule a Discovery session by clicking this link.

I wish you much fulfillment in working through this process and exploring what’s next for you in 2021.

Blessings and gratitude,